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BLUE JAY – “Bold in Blue”
I created this beautiful Blue Jay with Fabre Castell Polychromos pencils on Drafting Film. I used blue pencils to create the blue color of this bird, but Blue Jays themselves do not have any blue pigment in their feathers. They look blue because of the way the light reflects off and through the transparent cells of their feathers. The Blue Jay is a bird that many are familiar with due it it’s bright color and sometimes loud and noisy calls. Some may find their call annoying, but it usually has a purpose. Jays will start to call when there is a hawk, owl, or other predator in the area. Smaller songbirds seem to understand the alarm call of the Blue Jays and take cover while the Jays do the dangerous work of scaring off the predators.
FOX KITS – “Eskimo Kisses”
These adorable fox kits were created with Faber Castell Polychromos pencils on Drafting film. I loved the innocence of these two kits, but the image also makes you wonder where the parents are and what they may be up to. “Eskimo Kiss” is the term used to describe an Inuit act of pressing or rubbing the tip of one’s nose against another’s cheek.
BARN OWL - “Predator of the Night”
I created this piece with Faber Castell pastel pencils on Pastelmat paper. Barn Owls are impressive nocturnal hunters. They have great vision in low light but also use their exceptional hearing to precisely locate mice and other rodents, often in complete darkness. Barn owls nest in a variety of places including cavities in trees, cliff ledges, church steeples, nest boxes and of course barns and other locations. They can be found throughout most of the United States and south into Central America. Barn Owls are typically monogamous and mate for life.
COYOTE – “Leap of Faith”
“Leap of Faith” was created with Faber Castel Polychromos pencils on Drafting Film. Coyotes are native to North America and are closely related to the wolf but are much smaller. They only weigh about 45 pounds or less and a wolf can weigh over 100 pounds. Coyotes are mostly carnivorous and eat rodents, rabbits, squirrels and sometimes livestock such as chickens. Coyotes are fast runners and can reach speeds of 40 mph. Although Coyotes are shy in nature, they have adapted to live among humans and have been known to make their homes in big cities.
These two male Cardinals were created with Prismacolor pencils on Mi-Teintes drawing paper. The beautiful red color and the lovely song of the Cardinal make it a favorite bird for many people. Even the female cardinal sings, which is unusual as there are only a few female North American songbirds that sing. The Northern Cardinal has been chosen as the State bird for seven different States. The Cardinal does not migrate and does not molt into duller plumage in the fall and winter. It keeps its bright red plumage all year round. They are often seen at back yard bird feeders and love sunflower seeds. A common quote: “Cardinals appear when angels are near.” (unknown)
Every Stone has a Story
Every Stone has a Story is inspired by a walk along Lake Superiors North Shore in Minnesota. The rocks are so colorful and makes one wonder where they all came from and how they ended up in this place at this time.
This is created with Colored Pencil on sanded paper.
This is created with Colored Pencil on sanded paper.
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